Welcome to my crazy world ! I am a 49-year-old widow who did not ask to be back in the dating world, but have had it thrust upon me. My son doesn't want me to date, but says I should find a "nice old widow lady to hang out with!" Some days I think that would be easier!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

movies to grieve by !

Feeling pretty depressed and unloved today. I am not sure why! Perhaps it is because my son is here to "see me" but is really out all day with his cousin.... he just needed my car apparantly ! He left this morning while I was at jazzercise and has been out all day. I hate being housebound. After all the laundry and cleaning is done, and I finished my book, I didn't know what to do with myself. Decided to take a walk and found myself at the cemetary talking to my husband's grave. Not exactly a cure for depression. I did thank Todd for loving me for all those years, and that felt good.

I thought maybe I would go bug Mr. Blind for a while, because I didn't get to spend time with him yesterday since my son was here, but he is busy watching a "Breaking Bad" marathon. So, I'm not as important to him as a tv program ? Not a good sign !

Instead of having a good time going out, I am sitting home watching Bridget Jones' Diary, which is not a good thing to watch if you are feeling sorry for yourself. The whole opening scene with Bridget lip-synching "all by myself" was way too familiar. Besides, it made me want a drink quite badly ! Okay, I did pour myself a glass of wine, but it was after 5:00. Quite a good glass of wine in fact; Overture, which was luckily left here after the party my sister threw last week at my house for her husband and her friends. Amazingly, Overture red wine goes quite well with pumpernickel pretzel sticks and pub cheese, but don't tell the wine maker. I am sure he would be appalled with that pairing !

What other movies shall I watch, to put myself into a depression coma? How about Steel Magnolias. That's a real tear jerker. Maybe Love Story ? or Philadelphia ? I've never seen Dr. Zhivago, but that's depressing too, isn't it ? I could really work myself into a nice puddle of depression if I can download them all on the instant netflix queue !

Friday, September 17, 2010


We've gone International ! I received a comment from Linda in Canada, letting me know that she reads and likes my blog. THANK YOU LINDA. It is GREAT to hear from you, and I am so happy you are enjoying reading my blog. It is really fun to know that someone outside of my circle is reading this. HOORAY. TELL YOUR FRIENDS !

Weekend best wishes,

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Identity & Underwear Theft

It seems as though there are a few too many bloggers using the title "Dom's life" in some way, shape or form. Of course when you put Dom's-life in google search, using the hyphen, mine comes up first...... but I was surprised to see how many others there were. So with that in mind, I am thinking of changing then name of my blog.
What comes to mind initially is Widow Speak ( kind of a play on words for widow's peak) but I don't know. Any thoughts ? Please chime in with your name suggestions.

It's been a long time since I have blogged, because I have once again been accused of "sharing too much" and told to just "keep things to myself" from various and sundry people..... okay, mostly from my mom and she doesn't even read my blog, but somehow every time I type I hear her voice in my head ! How is it that my own kids don't listen to a damn thing I say, but I, at almost 50-years-old, still hear my mother's voice in my head telling me what to do... and I listen ! CRAZY.

Let's see, what is there to share. Oh, I know, there was a BONFIRE ! No it was not a "before the big game" bonfire where everyone is wrapped in blankets and drinking out of a flask, cheering for their team. It was not a romantic evening on the beach bonfire. It was not even a burn day, as far as I know. What it was is a ritualistic burning of Mr. Blind's underwear, and no, I didn't do it in a fit of rage. I didn't do it at all, though it would be a really good revenge tactic. The firebug, who is definitely NOT on Smokey the Bear's friends list right now, was my son.

It all started because we, ( my son and myself ) got in an argument about underwear. You would think I would know better after all of these years than to get in arguments with my childen, but old habits are hard to break. You would also think that when he comes here, unannounced, for the weekend, he would know to
bring the same number of underpants as the number of days he is staying. It's not rocket science. One clean pair a day should do it. Instead it is the incredulous voice asking me why, even though he doesn't live here anymore, I don't have clean underwear for him in his drawers for when he comes home. What kind of mother am I that I don't have a shrine erected in his room, complete with every convenience item he may need ? And like an idiot I feel badly and go to the store to get underwear for him ! And like an idot I get the wrong size ( clearly the store should NOT put children's underwear in the grown up section without labeling it as such), and that causes a whole other round of shouting. Back to the store I go, but while I am gone my son decides to go through my drawers, I guess looking for his father's underwear to put on. Mind you, my husband has been dead for a year and a half. I do not still have his underwear in the drawers, because I, as previously noted, do not keep an underwear shrine in my house to those not in attendance ! AHHHH, but he did find men's underwear in the drawer....the underwear of Mr. Blind !

Let me tell you, my son TOTALLY FLIPPED OUT and when I got home from my second round of shopping, this time with the correct size and style of boxers firmly in my grip, there was a fire in the BBQ and the delightful smell of clothing burning. He was very eager to show me that he had taken the underwear, socks and sleep shirts out of the drawer in my room, and they were now ashes.

How is one supposed to react when they see their child, with a manic look in his eye and a cheshire cat smile on his face, standing over a bbq cooking one's boyfriend's clothing ?

I can totally understand that he was shocked to find the undergarments in my house, as he is not aware that Mr. Blind stays here overnight sometimes, but the reaction is a bit severe and in fact, quite crazy. I was so astounded that he would do something like that, I just couldn't wrap my head around it. And it's not because he doesn't like Mr. Blind because he has only met him once and refused to speak to him. My son just doesn't like the idea that I am dating ANYONE at all. I burst into tears and left the house to the firebug. I couldn't even yell at him I was so astounded.

Where did I go ? To Mr. Blind's but I couldn't tell him what my son had done, because that would hurt him too badly and because I didn't really know how to explain it. However, the next day when Mr. Blind came over and none of his clothes were there, I did have to tell him that they got destroyed. The look on his face was so forlorn and incredulous. He was actually speechless until the next day when he said that he really had to think about things and see if he could continue with this relationship.

Quite frankly, if it were me, I would have dumped me right then. No one should have to go through what my son did to him. I wouldn't have blamed him if he walked away and found some lucky, lucky woman who chose not to reproduce. I was wishing I was from a species who ate their young.

Astonishingly, he decided to stick around and we have been together every day ever since. It is getting kind of serious. Somehow I have to figure out a way to get my kids on board with this idea of me dating just one person.......... any thoughts on this would be appreciated as well. It's never easy, is it ?