Welcome to my crazy world ! I am a 49-year-old widow who did not ask to be back in the dating world, but have had it thrust upon me. My son doesn't want me to date, but says I should find a "nice old widow lady to hang out with!" Some days I think that would be easier!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Day After

A follow up to yesterday's birthday blog. Mr. Blind came over with a lovely present that is filling my day with music ! Very unexpected. I thought my present was dinner ! Of course, it was "man wrapped" which means no wrapping but the bag it came in. Haha. There was a lovely card !

I chose a Mayan restaurant for dinner. It was delicious. In retrospect, however, if you want a full evening of fun, perhaps spicy food and beans is not the food to order ! The Mayan menu doesn't exactly make you want to go home and take your clothes off, if you know what I mean! So I got to thinking today, what type of food is the perfect "friends with benefits" date food ? The way to a man's heart is through his stomach, but is that the way south as well? I had considered a steak restaurant, as most men tend to like red meat,but I decided that if I had steak I would be all bloated and feeling like a big fat blob, and my stomach would probably be upset as well, so that was out. How about a nice salad restaurant ? No, because too much roughage can give you gas, and I am certain anything I ordered would have nuts -- don't want to go there again, or bell peppers or cucumber, both which make be burp. That's out. Indian food ? Too spicey. Popping Malox and having your nose run from the spices isn't exactly the height of sexy ! Chinese food? Maybe, but you'd have to take a break in an hour because you'd be hungry again !
I've decided that the Italians know how to eat, and to live. A nice calm dish of pasta, a nice glass of red wine, and you are warm, cozy and ready for love !

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