Welcome to my crazy world ! I am a 49-year-old widow who did not ask to be back in the dating world, but have had it thrust upon me. My son doesn't want me to date, but says I should find a "nice old widow lady to hang out with!" Some days I think that would be easier!

Friday, June 11, 2010

love is in the air

My beautiful niece, Michelle, is getting married in two weeks and next Saturday I am throwing her a bridal shower. There is nothing like young love. It makes everything fell fresh and clean, and full of hope!

I remember oh so long ago when I was planning my wedding. Everything was so exciting and filled with possibilities. The bridal shower was overflowing with people smiling, and papers and ribbons and decorations. I remember the excitement of hiking out to the mailbox every afternoon to see if any more rsvp cards had come. Now it seems like everything is digital e-vites and e-mail responses. When I went to our local stationary store to purchase the shower invitations, I was appalled at the lack of choices available. The store clerk told me that invitations just don't sell, as everything is done electronically now. I guess I could see an e-vite for a movie night out, or a backyard bbq or a housewarming maybe, but for a wedding shower ? Seems kind of tacky to me. What happened to the romance of getting a beautiful flowered invitation in the mail, tacking it up on your bulletin board or on the side of the refridge, and looking at it every day ? I have the invitations from my wedding functions in my scrapbook still, after all these years. Somehow it just wouldn't be the same if I had to download the card, respond electronically, print it out and add it to my scrapbook hoping the ink and paper wouldn't fade after a number of years. I know the digital photos we printed out of our trip to Italy seven years ago look like faded crap now. I wouldn't want that to happen to my wedding invitation.

Today I went back to the same store to find wrapping paper for the shower favors. I had gone to RiteAid but there was no such thing as wedding shower wrapping paper available there. Okay, when did that happen? Where are the rolls of bright paper with little umbrellas on them, saying "showers of joy" and other stupid sayings ? They didn't have any at either store. I had to settle for plain white. I have to tell you, I came home pretty discouraged. All of the fun had been taken out of the afternoon. Engagements and showers and wedding and babies should be something you celebrate with fancy gift wrap, pretty cards, loads of ribbons and do dads and fancy enhancements..... not something I have to put my glasses on so I can download !

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