Welcome to my crazy world ! I am a 49-year-old widow who did not ask to be back in the dating world, but have had it thrust upon me. My son doesn't want me to date, but says I should find a "nice old widow lady to hang out with!" Some days I think that would be easier!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Dancing my ass off

First I want to say thank you to everyone who is reading my blog. Today someone told me how much they were enjoying it, and that they wished I blogged more often. Honestly, I thought only my sister, my friend Carol and my friend Tim were the only ones reading it. So readers, if you are enjoying it, let me know !

I have been thinking about dating, just in case I ever do it again, and two words keep popping up in my mind....."Stamina" and "Flexibility." ( Okay, so I have been thinking about sex. So what. It's been a long dry spell..... I like to call it "what they don't tell you about chemo.")

I would hate to be in the middle of something great, and not have the stamina to finish what I've started ! Get your mind out of the gutter. I'm talking about a long hike in the mountains !
So I have decided to walk my rear over to the Community Center three days a week and struggle though an hour of jazzercise. Yes, it does still exist ! There are people in the class who have been doing it for 20 years. I am not sure if they are the fat people or the skinny people.... guess I should figure out a delicate way to ask that question. I am having a great time because when there is music involved, it really doesn't feel like you are exercising, and it's only $4 a class. Frugal and fun !

Joining a class that has been going on for 20 years is interesting. Today I put my mat where someone else always puts their mat on Saturday, and talk about the stink eye ! It is extremely territorial. Add to that the fact that they all know the choreography. I am sure the people around me are rolling their eyes at my lack of coordination. The instructor is having fun..... I keep seeing her cracking up every time I miss a step. I'm glad I am amusing someone ! My one saving grace is that my legs are longer than a lot of people's, so if they get too close and are having a problem with me, I can just "accidentally" kick them. Ha Ha ! Take that ! This is supposed to be fun.

Today it popped into my head that I haven't used birth control in 20 years. I can't even imagine going to the doctor and having that conversation. I don't even know the options anymore. I am sure at my age there are all sorts of risks, but OMG, there are risks everywhere. Dating really is a mine field. Did I already write that someone on their match.com page actually put there were looking for a woman who was subservient. Can you believe it ? Who are these people.

Of course, all of this is putting the cart before the horse because I haven't even dated anyone yet. I do have a potential "meet and greet" for next weekend..... so stay tuned readers. There's more to come.

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