Welcome to my crazy world ! I am a 49-year-old widow who did not ask to be back in the dating world, but have had it thrust upon me. My son doesn't want me to date, but says I should find a "nice old widow lady to hang out with!" Some days I think that would be easier!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Stranger things have happened

An interesting thing happened last night. I got a call from my sister's ex-husband, who I haven't seen or heard from in about 8 months. He said I came up as a "perfect match" for him on e-harmony. OMG. I laughed so hard I about peed my pants.
Don't get me wrong, I love my sister's ex. He is the father of my wonderful nephews, and he will always be my friend. However, he was really stupid in choosing alcohol and other substances over his wife and three boys. A pretty unforgivable offense.
It is pretty funny because I stopped checking the e-harmony site because they were sending me names of southern baptists, or people like in the Footloose movie whose profiles said they didn't drink, didn't dance, didn't listen to music, etc. No thanks! Then I come up on the profile of someone that I know does all those things and more. Not quite sure how that all works, but suffice it to say, my mother would have a heart attack and die if I told her I got matched up with him. Me, I am still laughing about it !

Speaking of mothers, it seems like I have lots of them, all calling me this morning to tell me to not write so much on my blog. I am getting interesting comments from family members who think I am sharing too much. The thing is, I have always been someone who writes. I used to journal before it was popular ! I haven't written anything in a long time.... too busy raising kids, working, taking care of people, etc. Now that I have time again, I am really enjoying it, and my hope is that one person who is over 40 and trying to date again will read it and get a laugh, and maybe some advice. It's not easy !

1 comment:

  1. They just don't want to know about your, ah, unmentionables.
