Welcome to my crazy world ! I am a 49-year-old widow who did not ask to be back in the dating world, but have had it thrust upon me. My son doesn't want me to date, but says I should find a "nice old widow lady to hang out with!" Some days I think that would be easier!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Truth in Advertising

I think it is important to be yourself. I have heard that while dating people lie about their age, their body type, their height, the lack of hair, etc. I was pretty honest, admitting I am 48-years-old and putting my body type as "curvy." I chose that one because "has muffin tops" was not an option ! To me curvy means hips and boobs.... but perhaps curvy to people reading the profile is cryptic for Mama Cass size. I don't really know. All I know if, it is better to be truthful so there are no surprises later.

My wonderful friend Carol is a gorgeous woman with a fantastic figure, but while we were at a tradeshow together, I learned something about here. She wears two pairs of control top panty hose under her business clothes. Not just one pair, but two, for extra firmness. I had never heard of that before.... sounds uncomfortable, but it's a really good idea. Her husband did tell me that when she takes off her clothes at night you can hear "booooiiiing" as everything jumps back into place.

So thinking about Carol and about my muffin tops, I went to Macys to the "figure control" section of the lingerie department. I went out of town in the middle of the week, hoping no one I knew would spot me. The ladies at the counter asked me if I needed help. I told them, "keep your fingers crossed. I'm going for tummy control." They were laughing so hard they couldn't get their work done.

I am now the proud owner of an undergarment that I think is very close to something my grandmother used to wear! Definitely NOT sexy, but if, as advertised, it really makes you one size smaller..... I may never take off my clothes again !
One flaw though. You can get just tops, which are supposed to help the stomach and hips, but in all the reviews I read it says they creep up while you are wearing them. Who needs an extra roll around their middle ? The one piece garments, which is what I purchased, unfortunately don't come in "thong" or "boyshort", so you have a definite visible panty line if you wear it under slacks.... which is the bulk of my wardrobe. Either I am going to have to start wearing dresses or get creative with a pair of scissors and customize the underclothing to suit my needs !
I wonder if you can wear them under nightgowns ?

Speaking of advertising.... yes, we were... I am watching too much tv because I am an Olympic junkie, and boy are there some lousy ads out there. The one that just bugs me to no end.... " I went to Jared !" These giddy women are all excited that their boyfriend went to Jared, "the galleria of diamonds," for their engagement ring. The fact that they are engaged doesn't seem to be what's making them or their families happy. It's the fact that they went to Jared. Have you ever heard of Jared before this year ? And what exactly is a "galleria" of diamonds ? Sounds like a fancy way of saying "warehouse" or "Walmart" to me ! The only way I'm going to get all that excited about a ring is if it comes in a little blue box from Tiffany's. Now that's something to crow about !

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